September 2014
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Archive for September 2, 2014

Get Up

I know many of us have dreams that we want for our lives. I also know that a lot of us are not doing anything about it. Our dreams are not going to magically happen. We have got to GET UP and make them happen. No more complaining about how tough things are. No more being angry about how hard you had it growing up. It is time to GET UP and identify what we must be doing everyday to move us closer to the realization of our dreams. I understand that our schedules are busy, but I know of a time when there is very little going on. When the rest of the world is sleeping is when I take the opportunity to GET UP and do some of the things I know must be done if I’m going to see my dreams come to past. The Good Book say “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands, it leads to poverty.” It also means your dreams will always be a dream.

Rhon Johnson


    Scripture Reference:

For a dream comes with much business (activity) and painful effort.

Ecclesiastes 5:3




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