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Archive for November 11, 2015

Grasping The Wind

I definitely have been guilty of this one. I was reading about King Solomon the other day, and he used these words several times throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. The message is simple, but if we don’t stop for a minute to think about it, we will miss the point he is trying to make. Have you ever tried to reach out and grab the wind as it was blowing by? I know it sounds kind of silly, but after reading about this, I went out and tried to do it to better understand the message. It is literally impossibe to grab the wind. I know it’s there even though I can’t see it. I hear and I feel it on my face, but my efforts to take hold of it failed over and over again. It’s just like some of the things in life we go after. We spend so much time going after many things that we will eventaully find out will not do for us what we hoped they would. It’s like trying to grab the wind. It’s just never going to happen.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

If we spend our lives grasping for that which we can never take hold of, then what will we have really obtained?

Rhon Johnson ( 1966 –     )




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