January 2016
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Archive for January 2016

Enthusiasm Revisted

A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm say-Charles M. Schwab.  Norman Vincent Peale said it this way, “Enthusiasm makes ordinary people extraordinary.”  Rhon Johnson says that, “Enthusiasm is the high octane fuel needed  for you to reach the destination of your dreams.” If we are ever going to amount to anything in our lifetime, we have got to find a way to keep the wind of enthusiasm blowing in the sails of our lives. What is it then that allows us to have a good day or a bad day. Is it determined by whether or not the sun shines and or how we feel when we roll out of bed in the morning. Let me tell you something my friends. The sun shinning or not, nor your feelings, has more power to impact your life fulfilling its dreams more than knowing that the day is coming when your dream is no longer going to be a dream, but a reality. If we hang in there with a good attitude until we taste that first victory, we will then have a life memory drenched in enthusiasm that will help push us through when we hit a tough spot somewhere down the line.” Enthusiasm, it’s your choice! It’s your life! Stir your self up and get excited about your future!!!!

Rhon Johnson


“Enthusiasm is the high octane fuel needed  for you to reach the destination of your dreams.”

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P691893

Created To Create

I thinks this is one of my most exciting and interesting notes. Created to create. Over the course of any day, I hear many people complaining about there current situations. I have even tuned in to myself doing the same. But here’s the deal, we were all created to create. Every decision we make and follow through on is how we exercise that awesome ability. We are constantly creating the life we have, good or bad. Somewhere down the line, we chose the job we have and the relationships we are currently in. We chose the words we speak and the places we go. We chose to do what we do with our money and our time, thus creating the life we have. This is not a spanking for some of our poor choices , but this is a message that bring us good news. The good news is this, whatever life we want, we can have. All we have to do is create it. That’s what we were created to do.

Rhon Johnson


One thought at a time, one word at a time, and one behavior at a time, have I created the life I see before me today.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P703567

Look Around Again

We have a tremendous opportunity everyday to serve others. Besides, this is why we have life in the first place. Don’t believe me? Well, let me prove it to you. As you go about your daily activities this week, look around at everything. You will not find one thing that is not a benefit to something else. Everything we lay our eyes on has been created to serve something other than itself, and that includes us. When we really come to understand this, things for us will start to line up perfectly. I know that most often, our first thoughts are to think about ourselves, but keep this in mind. Those of us who go into every relationship and situation with plans to use and take only, will eventually end up alone. What we cause to happen for another, is exactly what we will receive in our future.

Rhon Johnson


We hardly ever get to see the smiles on our own faces. The reason for this is because they are always intend for someone else.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P703280




There are many thing we all need to address in our lives, but many of us have a difficult time confronting ourselves. This is not living a free life. Sometimes, it is as simple as just letting go of what we have held on to for so long. When we chose not to deal with it, it’s hanging over our head telling us that we will never measure up in life. The interesting thing about this information is that we are not being held captive by someone or something, but by our own actions, ourselves. Whatever it is, let it go, and set yourself free today.

Rhon Johnson


Inner freedom will only cost you the things you really don’t need in your life.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     ) 




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P702943


I have said it many times before. Our direction in life is completely determined by our thoughts. Seriously, I encourage all of us to think about what we are thinking about. Many of us are not happy about where we are in life. We can probably track it back to our thoughts. Our thoughts determine our actions and our actions make up who we are in life at home, on the job, and in the community. Some of us need to go in a different directions. The only way that is going to happen is to change the way we think.

Rhon Johnson 


Power Scripture:

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he

Proverbs 23:7



Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id: P526163.)



 Our influence will venture into places that we may never imagine.  Good or bad, only we can chose how we influence others. The influence we impose today will go home with them and impact their friends, spouses, and children.  It will accompany them as they work on their projects.  It will journey with them daily as they make decisions about the kind of person they are going to be.  Influence, our gift to our brother.  Where will it take him?

Rhon Johnson

Power Quote:

I am a part of all that I have met.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P701765

Mind Set

What’s your mind set?  That is a very popular question in many circles of life. But, let’s keep it really simple today. Whatever our minds are set on is exactly what’s going to show up in our lives. If it is set on the negative side of things, then that’s going to be story of our life. We have to purposely set our mind on what we want everyday in order to have those things to show up in our life. So, set your mind on what its is supposed to be set on and leave the rest alone. Don’t allow thoughts to stay that would attempt to cause you to start thinking in other ways, other than what you determined to set your thoughts on. Now enjoy you life as you watch one thing after another you have been hoping for come to past.

Rhon Johnson


Our lives are following after our most dominant thoughts

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P701276

Slow Down

What is the rush? A friend of mine once asked me this. When I tried to give him a legitimate answer, I couldn’t come up with anything. Rushing as we work on the task and issues of our lives causes us to miss the details of the situations. This more times that not, will cause us to have to come back somewhere down the line and correct something that should already be done. Don’t rush, it will save you time, money, and a whole lot of frustration.

Rhon Johnson

Power Quote:

One minute of patience, ten years of peace.

Greek Proverb

Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P701770


Bad habits, good habits, we all have them. Does one side outweigh the other in your life. If you are one of those people that has more bad habits than good. You are probably missing out on so many good things that could be in your life. I remember when I left college and I began to analyze my life. When I stopped long enough to take a look at myself, I did not like what I saw. There were numerous things about me that didn’t make me feel good about me as a person. It was almost overwhelming to the point that I was about to make a decision to just ignore it all. I wanted better habits in my life. But before I could really develop good ones, I desperately needed to get rid of some bad ones. So, I made a list of all the bad ones I could think of and numbered them in the order of least to worst. Then I one by one began to deal with them. Six months down the road, I was a different person.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)




Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P701768

Regrets Revisited

No regrets allowed is what we should all be saying about our lives as we look back at where we came from. Sadly, for many of us, that is not the case when we look at what we have accomplished to this point. I am no exception to this rule. I find myself often pondering my past with regrets as to how I have allowed opportunities to slip through my fingers. Usually I am snapped out of my funk by the realizations that there are so many people in my circle whose lives are shattered due to any given circumstance. I then realize what I have and began to re-focus myself back on the reason why I am here on this planet. My survival of  my poor decision making and the poor decision making of others that have greatly affected my life was all for one reason and one reason only, and that is to take what I learned as I went through those seasons, and put them into words in such a way that would help the lives of others. We can look back and regret anything we choose, but the only real regret in life is not to use your life as an instrument to encourage the life of another.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

To regret is to not accept who we are because we are what we have done and what we have failed to do.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P700893