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Archive for January 11, 2016

Regrets Revisited

No regrets allowed is what we should all be saying about our lives as we look back at where we came from. Sadly, for many of us, that is not the case when we look at what we have accomplished to this point. I am no exception to this rule. I find myself often pondering my past with regrets as to how I have allowed opportunities to slip through my fingers. Usually I am snapped out of my funk by the realizations that there are so many people in my circle whose lives are shattered due to any given circumstance. I then realize what I have and began to re-focus myself back on the reason why I am here on this planet. My survival of  my poor decision making and the poor decision making of others that have greatly affected my life was all for one reason and one reason only, and that is to take what I learned as I went through those seasons, and put them into words in such a way that would help the lives of others. We can look back and regret anything we choose, but the only real regret in life is not to use your life as an instrument to encourage the life of another.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

To regret is to not accept who we are because we are what we have done and what we have failed to do.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




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