November 2024
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Author Archive

Be A Hero

It doesn’t take much to be a hero. We just have to be willing to stand for something that is right for ourselves and others. We must not under estimate the influence that we have in the lives of those that our in our circle. Someone is always looking up to us, always watching and thinking that they would like to be more like us. It is a good idea for us to grow ourselves as people everyday so that we can encourage those that are watching in a powerful way.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

More people fail from a lack of encouragement than for any other reason.

It’s Worth The Fight

A few weeks ago, I wrote about “The Battle”, and felt that I should dive a little deeper into this. We are constantly in a fight that is not a physical fight. You can’t bring a gun or knife to this fight. This is a battle that is raging within our own minds. We can feel the hits from the attack, but not in our flesh, but in our inner selves. Many of us sit back and allow our enemy to declare war against us in our minds and never do anything to fight back. The reason for this is because we don’t know how to fight back. We either stay silent, or become angry and want to lash out emotionally or physically. Everything in life happens twice. We see in our minds what we want and then go after it until it is a reality. But all things must first be realize in our minds. This is why our enemy wages war against our minds. We must learn to do warfare according to the weapons that are being used against us. Our thoughts must be protected  by our words. Any thought that comes against our mind that is contrary to what we want must be counteracted with words. When we open our mouths, our minds will have to focus on what we are saying, and thus, stop the onslaught the enemy is waging against us.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

2 Corinthians 10:3 – 5

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

The Spun Web

Beware of those that make it their mission in life to dis-credit others. They use flattery to real us in and play the victim role to get us to feel sorry for them. People like this are busy bodies. Their business is everyone else’s business. Keep your eyes open, those that operate under this spirit are crafty and seek their own exaltation at the demise of others. If you find yourself in a situation where someone has come to you making attempts to get you to feel sorry for them because of what someone else has allegedly said or did to them, it would be wise to investigate the situation before you jump on the ban wagon. I say this because the web that they spin for someone else in the very one that will entrap them and all those that allow themselves to be  doopped  by their lies and deceit.  

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Proverbs 26:28

A lying tongue hates those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.

Time Itself

The sands of the hour glass are as the same as the seconds ticking away. Time is the gift God has given us to do something special with. I am trying so hard to learn how to use and respect this gift appropriately. Often I find myself wasting it, as if I have plenty of it. It just seems like the other day that I was walking the hall way of the high school I attended. Some times I feel as though I have done nothing with my life. I know that this is not an accurate assessment, especially when I look at all I want to do with the rest of my life. We must all learn to focus on those things that are truly going to mount up to something. Everything else does not qualify for our time. For this life we have is but a vapor.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

Do not walk through time without leaving worthy evidence of your passage.

Pope John XXIII  ( 1881 – 1963 )

Take The High Road

In our interactions with others, we should never allow ourselves to be pulled into petty arguments and competitions with other. They are designed for one thing, and that is to destroy our focus. Take the high road and look over those that have become the enemies puppet against you.  

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, and diciplined.

Harry Emerson Fosdick  ( 1878 – 1969 )


There is no greater gift than to lay down your life for a friend. He did that for us.


To make and error does not constitute the end. We will all make many of them, but those of us that use them as tools to create from are the ones that we will hear about as they make a difference in our world.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

An error lets us know that we need to make a turn.

Rhon Johnson ( 1966 –     ) 


That’s what He did for us. Now all we have to do is accept it and live a free life even though we are still not perfected yet.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

John 16:33(b)

In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.


Your Past

So many of us are troubled by our past to the point that we can’t enjoy our lives today. And what about our future? If our past is destroying our present, then there is no hope for our future. The only way our past can darken our future is if we allow it. Our past is a memory of what happen that should be used as a learning tool to brighten our future, regardless of what has happened. Looking back at our past to learn from it is actually looking to the future.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

The past is valuable if used as a guidepost, but dangerous if used as a hitching post.


Need is a strong word. Most of, when we use the word need we are actually talking about something we want. I need is something that we must have like oxygen and water. Needs come on different levels for different things. For example, what we need to survive are not like the things needed to sustain a relationship. If we are to truley succed at what we are doing, we must differentiate from what is needed as opposed to what is wanted.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

You can’t always have what you want, so don’t mistake a want for a need.

Rhon Johnson ( 1966 –       )