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It is a tremendous force that comes in many forms. It can build a community or it can destroy one. We need to recognize where we have power and make sure that we are using it appropriately.
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote:
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln ( 1809 – 1865 )
A mentor of mine once told me that if I know my limitation, know my enemy, and I know myself, that I could achieve anything in life I wanted. Most of us are oblivious of the fact that most of our problems are caused by us. Which means we need to get a clue about ourselves. We should take some time to analyze ourselves. Why do we do some of the things we do? Why do we respond to certain things the way we do? It’s in our best interest to know ourselves.
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote:
Beware of no man more than thyself.
I remember once when I was right in the middle of a mess that I had created for myself. I was really thinking about just throwing in the towel. That’s when God spoke to me in my heart and said, “If you will honor Me, I well honor you.” Those words caught me off guard but also changed my life. Now, I know we mess up on a daily basis, but remember that God is watching our heart. Do we have a heart of honor.? If you will honor Him, He will honor you. If we get on board with what is important to Him, He will get on board with whats important to us.
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote:
I honor God by keeping His statutes, and when I have not kept them, I honor Him by quickly saying I’m sorry as well as correcting the wrong.
Rhon Johnson ( 1966 – )
Push Through
As we stand up to pursue our dreams, there are times when it will look and feel like it will never happen. Many things will send us the message that it is hopeless and its never going to work out. These messages can come from the voices of past mistakes, people close to us, our status in life whether social or financial, or just simply our own stinking thinking. We must not allow those voices to impede our progress. We must push through it all. The most important voice is the one that told us that we could do it in the first place. We know that voice, it is the real us. We must not allow that voice to be silenced by the others. Push through my friends. For most of us, it’s only half time. Remember this too, that the most important thing about life, is not about how you started or where you are right now, but how you finish. As a coach in athletics, I would always end practice with some kind of running for my young athletes. When they would line up for their last running drill, I would always say to them, “Finish Strong.” I say the same to you, FINISH STRONG MY FRIENDS!!!
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote:
He that perseveres makes every difficulty an advancement and every contest a vivtory.
Charles Caleb Colton ( 1780 – 1832 )
Time For Others
Time is the the most valuble investment we can make into someone else. To give someone our real time is to give them a part of our life. Every second of every minute represents a part of our life. Make an investment in the life of those around you. Someone in your circle is starving for some of your time.
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote
As every thread of gold is valuable, so is every minute of time.
John Mason (1706 – 1773 )
Me, you, God, and everyone else.
Rhon Johnson
The family you come from is not as important as the family you’re going to have.
Ring Lardner (1885 -1993 )
What Are You Wearing On Your Face
What are you wearing on your face? Is it anger, happiness, or sadness. One of my favorite things to do is to watch people. I’m constantly reading people’s face to see how they respond to things in their in environment, particularly me. Our faces usually tell it all. On the flip side, I have had to learn to put on an inviting face because my face is always stern looking, which has caused some people to avoid me. Many people have approached my wife to get her to mention things to me because they were terrified to do so. So we need to learn to put on an inviting face.
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote:
Of all the thing you wear, your expression is the most importa
Janet Lane
Heard any gossip on anyone larely? Bewar you could be next.
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote:
The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.
WWill Rogers (1879 – 1935 )
Draw Near
It is really simple. Talk to Him and he will respond. Ask Him a question, and He will answer. Honor Him, and he will honor you. Take that first step, and he will take the next. Not hard, just a little uncomfortable.
Rh on Johnson
Power Statement:
He is awaiting our invitation
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )
Don’t Be So Tense
I really have a difficult time being around tense people. I’m not talking about people that are just passionate about what they do. But I am talking about up tight people. Being around them for extended periods of time can, if we’ere not careful, begin to stress us out. Are you one of those kind of people? No problem, we don’t have to be uptight. Just remember this when the opportunity presents itself, that nothing is hardly ever as bad as it first seems. Choose to be ready and not so reactive.
Rhon Johnson
Power Quote:
I am in control when I stay ready, but someone or something else is in control when I simply react.
Rhon Johnson ( 1966 – )