November 2024
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Do Real Men Cry?

Jesus represents the man of all men. He lived a sin free life, endured unbelievable pressure and temptation to the point of sweating blood in the Garden Gethsemane, took on 39 stripes across his back from the cat of nine tails, carried his own cross to Golgotha , wore a crown of thorns on his head, was betrayed and denied by two of his closet disciples, took on huge spikes in  his hands and feet, and then hung on a cross to bear the sins of all mankind. And even after that, no man took His life, He gave it up for me and you. My God What A Man!!! One day, it is my hope to be like Him. But to answer the question, yes, real men do cry.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

John 11:35

Jesus wept.

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning use to be dirty words when I was a kid. It was simply taking an inventory of what you had and getting rid of everything that no longer needed to be there. We can do the same thing for our lives. There are some things that many of us are hanging on to that we just need to get out of our lives. Take an inventory of your self and identify things in your life that need to go. Then toss them out! Remember too that some of these will not go quietly.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

If it is not used to better you, then it is a hindrance.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )  


I used to think that to be broken is to be so beat down that you just give in to whatever. I later found out that to be truly broken is to be obedient to what we know we are supposed to be doing with our life. It is not a state of hopelessness, but a place of piece in our heart that allows us to focus forward because we are no longer putting out fires from living that other life we lead before we submitted to who we really are. That is what it means to be broken.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

If you’re broken, then you’re ready.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )

The Great Counselor

Most of the time, I  begin my post with a question because a question gets us to thinking about the subject at hand. So here it is. Do you know that we have a great counselor? One who wants to be involved with everything that is going on in our lives. He is ready at all time to counsel us on the issues at hand. Most of us don’t really realize that his counsel is readily available to us. So, we just head into situations without seeking his wise counsel and then can’t seem to understand when it turns into a mess. I am very guilty of this often. I have failed to seek his counsel because I was not mindful to do so, but my biggest pains have come when I just simply ignored the fact that I should be seeking his advice. I have done this because I knew his counsel was going to be the opposite of what I was wanting to do. BIG MISTAKE, every time.  I know that there are situations where we may not have the time to stop and seek him, but most of the time we do. We should be mindful of this as we go about our business. It will save a lot of time, money, and heart ache.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Proverbs 15:22

Where there is no counsel, purposes are disappointed; But in the multitude of counselors they are established. 

Do You Have A Critical Spirit

Are you one of those people who are always criticizing others? I know at times I catch myself being critical or thinking critical thoughts towards others. I think it is a daily battle that we all should be fighting. But there are some of us that are not fighting this battle. Whatever comes to their mind about any given individual, they let it roll right out of their mouths. Here is the biggest problem with criticizing others. Most of us don’t have the know how to combat those critical comments and are therefore bullied into trying to please people that really don’t matter. This critical spirit has forced a lot of people to become someone they’re not, and created a domino affect in every area of their lives. Criticism is a destructive and powerful force, because we all want to be accepted by others. We should use our mouths to build up our neighbor even if we see flaws in their character. You may be thinking, who is my neighbor? Well, where ever you are at any given time, just look around you. The people you see, those are your neighbors.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Mark 12:31(b)

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no commandment greater than these.


Power Quotes:

It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.

Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881)


Do not remove a fly from your friends forehead with a hatchet

Chinese Proverb

A Timely Word

The words that we speak are so powerful. With that in mind we need to put a watch over our mouths to make sure that we don’t use our words to cast down another. We also need to be crafty with our words and take every opportunity to use them to lift up the heart of someone else.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Proverbs 12:25

Heaviness in the heart of a man makes it stoop; But a good word makes it glad.

What Are You Waiting On?

Don’t sit back and wait for something good to come your way. If you are going to change your life, then you have got to get out and make things happen for your self.

Rhon Johnson


 Power Statement:

Take a lesson from the mosquito: he never waits for an opening – he makes one.

Warning Signs

The warning signs are there everyday. So many times in my life, I have just ignored the warning signs concerning many things. I tell you that every time I have , it has come back tho bite me in the butt. Ignoring the warning signs has cost me time, money, and relationships. It is amazing that once it comes full circle we can all see it clearly then. The thing that we must do, is to stop and look deeper into the sign and ask ourselves, how this going to impact my life if I keep rolling the way I am. Often times we may not be able to see the consequences clearly, but we know that something is just not right. When we feel this, it is imperative that we get a game plan to make some changes, and follow through on them before we find ourselves in a crisis.

Rhon Johnson

Power Quote:

Any idiot can face a crisis–it’s this day-to-day living that wears you out.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 – 1904) 

Start Today

Today is the day to start living your life according to your purpose. If you don’t know what your purposes is here on earth, then my suggestion is that you take some quiet time in prayer and ask boldly and specifically. The sands in the hour glass are running out constantly. There is know time to waste. We all need to be busy pursuing our dreams for life. If you are experience pain and difficulty in your life, then that could be a sign that you are not moving in the right direction concerning a lot of things. Sometimes we know that something is not right, but we don’t know where to start to make changes. I’m speaking from experience on that one. The first place we should all start is with is with God. Then work your way done the priority list from there. This process will help you enjoy your route to living a fulfilled successful life. We all feel good about progress, even if it is small.

Rhon Johnson


 Power Quote:

If there is no struggle, there is no progress

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Douglass

(1817 -1895)


We are all dealing with uncertainty in our lives. We live in a world that is operating on an uncertain system. The thought of it is creating fear that our needs and the needs of our children and grandchildren will not be met. The truth to this matter is this. We in this world have more than enough to survive on and have been given everything we need to have success while we are here.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference 1:27

And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.