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Optimism is defined as a tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. Some of us are more optimistic than others simply because of personality. But still , to be optimistic about things as a life style is easier said than done. Many of  us avoid being more optimistic about life because we want to protect ourselves in the case that our hopes are dashed by disappointment. It is our defense mechanism that begins to kick in by telling us not to get our hopes up because it will be to painful if things don’t work out. The problem with this is that many times, the situation require some involvement on our part other than just thinking positively.  But if we must protect ourselves, then chances are,  we will not follow through with actions that are required to produce an expected end.

Rhon Johnson


 Power Quote: 

There is hope in optimism,  for it is far better to have expectations of a favorable end rather than to entertain thoughts defeat and a disappointing finish.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )

Your Future

Do you ever think about what your future holds, or are you one of those people that just live in the moment? One thing for sure is that tomorrow always seems to come. Since that has been pretty consistent, then it would make sense to think about how the future is going to turn out for us. I know this is difficult for some. When I was a young child, the future always meant that there was going to be another incident in my family that would keep me from having any kind of foundation to build a confident life on. So for me, it  just became easier for a while not to think about my future. I just let things come as they came, and believe me, they came, and I was not ready for most of it. Because I refused to look forward at certain stages, it has caused me at times to experience the unnecessary pain of missing out today because I would not look forward yesterday

Rhon Johnson


Power Quotes:

The future has a habit of suddenly and dramatically becoming the present.

Roger Ward Babson (1875 – 1967)

The future is purchased by the present.

Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784)

It’s Just A Test

When I was on staff at the last chucrh that I attened, the gentleman that I answered to would always say that when something a little adverse came up, that it was just a test. If we would all stop long enough to pay attention to what is really going on in our lives, we would recognize that most of the things that come up that we have to deal with really is just a test. So, if you get a passing grade, you get to move on in life to something a little more challangeing and fulfilling. Passing the test of life has a lot to with our attitude as we are going through our situations of adversity. 

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

A faith that hasn’t been tested can’t be trusted.

Adrian Rogers

Just Having Fun

There are a lot of things that we can considered as fun. I tell my son all the time that if you are having fun and then I find out about it and then,  all of a sudden its not fun anymore, then it was never fun in the first place. We must not confuse what feels good with having fun. If the end result of our behavior is unpleasant but felt like fun when we started, then we have deceived ourselves.

Rhon Johnson


To have fun is to enjoy the fruit of the behavior.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )


Do you really want it that bad? When you finally get it, will it be worth it?

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

Lusting after things takes you where you don’t want to go, makes you stay longer than you can afford to stay , and makes you pay more than you can afford to pay.

Get Up & Get It Done

I know that there are many of us that have dreams that we want to see manifest in our lives. But the problem is the time that we spend doing other things, such as going to work so that the bills can get paid. It can become awfully frustrating to know that you could be doing something better with life rather than punching someone else’s clock. Then we have to rest ourselves from all the work we have done to make other people and other companies prosperous. Not to mention what we do to take care of our families outside bringing home a pay check. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with working to provide for your family, but if you have a dream or a vision, you will have to take some radical steps to see it come to past. Here is one thought to get you moving in the right direction. Some of us that are actively pursusing our dreams are giving up about eight hours of sleep a week to dedicate that time to working on what belongs to them. Continuing to do the same old thing with hopes of a better life is simply pure grade insanity.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Pobverbs 6:10-11

Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall your poverty come as a robber, and your want as an armed man.


Where do you live life? Many of us are not being real about what is going on in our lives. It’s like that pink elephant sitting in the middle of the living room. Everyone can see it but no one pays it any attention because no one really wants to deal with it. That’s not reality. I know it’s tough to face the music of our lives, but sooner or later we are going to have to get real about the pink elephants in our lives.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

The difference between life as it is and life as it ought to be is a frightening and distressing bit of reality.

James C. Dobson  (1936-       )


Seems like everybody wants to give their opinion on something. Most of the time when we do so, we have very little information concerning the subject matter. Most of the time, we are just trying to show that we know somethings which in turn gives us a false sense of confidence. I’ve been guilty of opening my mouth when I didnt know what I was talking about. In the end that fact was clear. Best case is not to give your opinion unless someone ask you, and even then, be slow to speak. 

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Proverbs 17:28

Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is considered wise; When he shuts his lips, he is esteemed as prudent.


Today as we go about our business, we should all take a little time to recognize all the children that cross our path. Some of them will go home to great environments, but many of them won’t. There is no greater investment other than the ones we invest in our children. I’m not just referring to our own children, but also the ones that make up our community. There are thousands of children that would do a lot better in life if someone would just give them some appropriate attention. It happened that way for me. During my teenage years, one man thought enough of me to pay me some attention. One summer he picked me up five days a week to take me to the high school gym where he coached. As a result,I became an All State Basketball Player and went on to have a good career in college as well. I am now an Author and a teacher. With no father at home, who knows where I would have ended up if he would not have payed me that attention. Invest in your community and future by giving some time and attention to a kid.

Rhon Johnson

Scripture Reference:

Psalms 127:4

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.


Stress is the one thing that everyone seems to be trying to manage. We are stressed for many different reasons. People that procrastinate have a tendency to be more stressed than others. They wait until the last minute to get things done, which in turn puts unnecessary pressure on the situation. Not to mention the increased margin of error which, you guessed it, creates more stress. Then there are those of us that are simply stressed because we lacked the ability or refuse to look at the situation without over exasperating what it is and the time and effort required to deal with it. Either way, we must look at the situation and be prepared to plan the time and do a little bit everyday that will allow completion of the matter at the appropriate time. For the procrastinators, we will not completely dread any situation because we are now dealing with things daily and in small enough portions that allow us to have the confidence we need. For the exaggerator, dealing with things daily and in smaller portions allows us to see that it is not overbearing.  In essence, none of it is worth stressing about.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Philippians 4:6(a)

In nothing be anxious;