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Archive for January 2016

Face It

There are those days, and even sometimes weeks when things are just tough. We see the adversity and know we need to go at it head on. We don’t want to deal with the unpleasant emotions, not to mention the energy that will be invested. We have to learn to face up. The emotions drain us and then the situation itself requires added energy from an already exhausted account. The good news is when we have stood firm in the face of the adversity, there is always an opportunity to grow and reap a greater return from the experience. 

Rhon Johnson


Those who shrink in the face of adversity, never enjoy the success found on the other side of facing up to it.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P699866

Be There, Be Doing

I had a young man working for me that disappointed me greatly with his actions. He had broken my trust and was feeling down and out about the situation. I was very angry and hurt by his actions. Even though I could not retain him as an employee. Still I Knew I had to talk with him. I gave him one simple but very powerful truth. We all need to be where we are supposed to be and doing what we are supposed to be doing. 

Rhon Johnson


If we are where we need to be, doing what we should be doing, our dreams will come to past. 

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P699565

Think Positive

We have all heard the saying that the glass is either half empty or half full. It is apparent that most people focus on the part of the glass that is half empty. When we do this, we usually can’t get anything done. The flip side of this is that there is probably enough resources in the half empty glass to do everything we need to do in our life time. Focusing on what we have is how we will be able to fill our cups til they run over. When our cups begin to run over, then we will be able to significantly bless others.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Matthew 25:16

Straightway he that received the five talents went and traded with them, and made five other talents.

Big Dreams Revisited

I was once told that my life was limited to the people I surround my self with, and I would never rise any higher than those in my current circle. I was disturbed by the comment because the people in my circle were not living the life I want for myself. As I write these words today, I can honestly say that I still have not come close to where I want to be. I can say that today something changed in me as read about a man that was up against unbelievable odds, yet still saw his big dreams come to past. It is amazing how quickly the sorrows of this world can destroy a man’s dreams for his life. But this also I know and strive to realize daily, and it is this, we have an awesome God that desires to give us nothing but the best. I have huge dreams that I have only shared with my wife. Dreams that are so big that only someone with overwhelming influence can assist me in bringing them to past. If our lives are limited to people that we chose to hang out with, then for some of us that means  we had better start spending a lot more time with God because our dreams are bigger than any human that could possibly help get us to the reality of it.

 Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

Only a king can teach me how to be a king!

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )


Scripture Reference:

Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P699292

I Can’t


Don’t allow this year to be a year of disappointment. Make daily notes about what you want to achieve and do something in that direction everyday!

Rhon Johnson


The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.

Elbert Green Hubbard (1856 – 1915) 




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P698645