October 2018
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Archive for October 2018

Our Joy Is Connected

I have learned to really enjoy people. I have come to realize that my life is not about me. You may have heard me mention before that everything we see has been created to serve something other than itself, including you and me. Think about it for a minute. How much benefit does the sun get for shining? Does the chair you sit in or the car you drive get anything out of the deal? Now we as people are slightly different in that we can choose to only serve ourselves. That’s not why we are here. One thing I do in my efforts to serve others is to help people get through the day. I make an effort to bring a smile upon the faces of everyone I encounter every day. It makes no difference what I’m going through because when this is done, there is power released to help me in my own life. The same is true for you!

Rhon Johnson



My success and joy cannot be fully complete without the success and joy of others!

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1089258


Go For It (Part II)

We only have one life to live my friends, and I know we all have some uncommon things we want to accomplish. Of course, timing is important, but there is always going to be something to give us a reason not to go for it. Let’s not allow ourselves to settle. Let us be the ones who look back and feel good about our lives because we went for it. Whatever that thing is we want to do that seems too big, we have got to figure out where to start and go for it.  Live life on purpose, my friends. Its the only way to truly live.

Rhon Johnson


Our lives are like money, meaning to be spent on something. Why not then spend it on something awesome!

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )


Copyright Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1083751