Archive for March 2019
Cracks In The Foundation
In order to build anything, it must first have a solid foundation. What construction company would dare build any structure without laying a proper foundation? Without a solid foundation, whatever it is, will not survive the ever-changing environments we live in. But what about our lives? Have we had a proper foundation laid? Most of us have not. Many of us have poorly laid foundations with severe cracks in them, and are barely holding up to the things this life is throwing at us. Yet, there is still hope. When I look out at the people that cross my path every day, I often find myself thinking about them and myself. We are all trying to keep our heads above water with whatever tools we have received. Some of us had great parents, some good, and others poor or no parenting at all. Some of us came from good environments and some of us did not. It doesn’t matter because we are all facing issue/cracks that we are trying to overcome. The only way to seal the cracks is to position ourselves for change. We will need to change the information going in, so we can change our thoughts, words, and actions. We can not continue to think the same thoughts, talk about the same stuff, do the same things, and hang around the same old people. NOTE: Some of the people we need to get away from maybe friends and even family. Especially if their thoughts words and behaviors are influencing our lives in the wrong directions, and thus causing us to miss out on many of the things we know we want. Take control of your life my friends, and in the process, you may encourage those closes to you to do the same. If not, focus ahead and move on. You owe it to yourself and those in front that will embrace and benefit from your decision to be a better you!
Rhon Johnson
Only a child will allow others and environment to dictate his or her future.
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )
Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson
Certificate id: P1163714
I Have Arrived
At what point do we say we have arrived. Is it the point when we can say we have achieved what we want out of life. I believe that to be a critical point in life. I want everyone to know that if we ever allow ourselves to say we have arrived, that will be the very moment things will start going in the other direction. We are created to continue to experience growth as long as there is breath in our bodies. When we set goals and achieve them, the excitement of doing so does not last long. We automatically want to set and achieve a higher mark for our lives. That’s who we are.
Rhon Johnson
Not even the skies are the limit for you and me. The only limits are those we impose upon ourselves. With this life, what we can achieve has no boundaries!
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )
Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson
Certificate id: P1157837
The Process Continues
Yes, the process continues. We go from one experience to the next on the way to fulfilling our goals and realizing our dreams. Many lose heart on the way because they feel like it’s just taking too long or the process is not working. Don’t fall for that! If you are doing something toward your goal or dream then you are realizing it. The goal is the process and the process is the act of living your dream. When I wrote my first book, all I thought about was finishing it so I could say I fulfilled my dream to become an author. Then I realized I was already an author. I became one the moment I started writing. Many of us are already living our dreams and don’t even realize it.
Rhon Johnson
A runner doesn’t become a runner when he finishes the race. He becomes a runner when he starts preparing for it.
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )
Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson
Certificate id: P1155960