September 2014
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Archive for September 2014

Afraid To Fail

I have written several post that deal with fear. But what I want to say today is that there are certain behaviors that we exhibit that we may not be aware of that are the direct result of being afraid to fail. We often make excuses or come up with others things that we force ourselves into believing we must do to avoid dealing with some people or following through on certain task. We do this because we are afraid that the outcome may not be what we want. These are very destructive behaviors, and some of us spend a life time up under these diversions. We must keep in mind that failure is a part of the the success process for us as humans. So lets not submit to the fear, but let us embrace the process, and failure also if it comes,  so that we can grow from it and be all that we desire to be.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

Fear is nothing but a mirage that appears to be in our way, but when we push through, we find that it was actually nothing there.

Rhon Johnson

(1966 –      )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P549277)

Never Ever Give Up II

A simple word of encouragement today. Don’t give up! Whatever it is, keep plugging away at it. Life is so much better pursuing our dreams than sitting on the sidelines because it we are discouraged. As long as we have breath, we have hope. It’s only hopeless when we give up the fight. So keep fighting!!

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

No fight, no victory. No fight, no prize. No fight, no life.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P548628)


The first person we should encourage is ourselves. When negative thoughts creep into our minds and tell us that things are not looking good for us, we need to encourage ourselves by forcing our minds to think about the outcome we want. Encouragement is not just about someone else. Lets keep ourselves encouraged today, and use our mouths to say out loud what we want. When our thoughts and our words are in agreement, everything else will eventually line up with those thoughts and those words, good or bad.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

What I think, is eventually what I will say. What I say is eventually what I will do, and what I do will eventually become my legacy.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )




 Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P548025)

Pursuit Of Joy

We have heard of the pursuit of happiness and what it is, but what about joy? People are generally happy when things work out well for them on a day to day basis. But Joy is a little different from happiness. If we were to look them up in the dictionary, they reference each other and it appears that they are the same. I am happy when my children do right or when my bank account is growing. But I experience joy when I see that my life is encouraging to the lives of others. When my decisions and my work is helpful others, my happiness is catapulted over into Joy.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy with the JOY of his heart.

Ecclesiastes 5:20




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P547028)

Broken Focus II

Broken focus leads to unfulfilled dreams. There will not be much worse to deal with for our bodies to be all used up near the end of our lives and to know that we did not hit what we were aiming for because we allowed our focus to be broken. Today I just want to identify some of the things that break our focus.


1. Completely submitting ourselves to someone else’s agenda. (Limited envolvement in other’s agenda is fine)

2. No step by step plan for our own agenda

3. Unhealthy relationships (They drag you down with their drama or else make you do all the work)

4. Not educating yourself (Not finishing school, or not getting the proper information to appropriately complete your agenda)

5.  This the big one. Not addressing your own addictions (Food, drugs, alcohol anger, sex, money, power, control, work, drama, TV, music…) and the list goes own.


We all know what ours are. Don’t we? And remember, failure is a part of the process. Get up, refocus, and keep at it!

Rhon Johnson 


Scripture Reference:

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

James 1:8




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P546053)

The Circumstances

What is your circunstance? Do we understand that our circumstances are not who we are? But sadly enough, many of us are defined by the circumstances we are facing. Even if our circumstances are good, we should never allow ourselves to be defined by them, because our circumstanes can make a turn for the bad in a matter of seconds. Lest figure out who we are and be consistent. No matter the circumstance, we can decide to be kind to others, we can choose to be positive, and we can make a real effort to be encouraging to the next guy.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

If I allow my life to be defined by my circumstances, then my life truly has no meaning, because the circumstances of life are constently changing.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P545373)

Return On Investment

Have you ever heard anybody say, ” I’m not getting anything out of this?” I know I have, and I have said it myself as well. The main reason we my not be getting anything back is because we are not putting anything in. It’s really hard to get a return on an investment with investing anything. Usually what you put in is what you will eventually get back. If we put in nothing, then that’s exactly what we are going to get back. This is true for everything. Financial, business, education, and most of all, relationships. So hey, lets keep it simple. If we don’t like what we’re getting, then maybe we need to check what we’re giving.

Rhon Johnson

Scripture Reference:

For with the measure you deal it out (with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others), it will be measured back to you.

Luke 6:38b (Amp.)




Copyright and Digiproved Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P545059)

What Time Is It?

Do you know what time it is? Most of us are clueless. We often times don’t realize that timing is everything. There is a right time to do and a right time not to do. Many of our endeavors fail because we are not operating in the right timing. For example, I have three children, and they have all expressed wanting to be on there own when they were, or are still teenagers. Yea, I can hear parents of teenagers laughing out loud right now because they know that the timing ain’t right for that. What about other areas of life where we try to force something to happen when we know it’s not time yet. Or how about this, when it is time to do something and we don’t do it. Either way, we come to the same problem that usually amounts to some kind of crisis. Know the time and respond, whether that means to wait or engage.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P544756)

Get Up

I know many of us have dreams that we want for our lives. I also know that a lot of us are not doing anything about it. Our dreams are not going to magically happen. We have got to GET UP and make them happen. No more complaining about how tough things are. No more being angry about how hard you had it growing up. It is time to GET UP and identify what we must be doing everyday to move us closer to the realization of our dreams. I understand that our schedules are busy, but I know of a time when there is very little going on. When the rest of the world is sleeping is when I take the opportunity to GET UP and do some of the things I know must be done if I’m going to see my dreams come to past. The Good Book say “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands, it leads to poverty.” It also means your dreams will always be a dream.

Rhon Johnson


    Scripture Reference:

For a dream comes with much business (activity) and painful effort.

Ecclesiastes 5:3




Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P544436)