November 2015
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Archive for November 2015

Grasping The Wind

I definitely have been guilty of this one. I was reading about King Solomon the other day, and he used these words several times throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. The message is simple, but if we don’t stop for a minute to think about it, we will miss the point he is trying to make. Have you ever tried to reach out and grab the wind as it was blowing by? I know it sounds kind of silly, but after reading about this, I went out and tried to do it to better understand the message. It is literally impossibe to grab the wind. I know it’s there even though I can’t see it. I hear and I feel it on my face, but my efforts to take hold of it failed over and over again. It’s just like some of the things in life we go after. We spend so much time going after many things that we will eventaully find out will not do for us what we hoped they would. It’s like trying to grab the wind. It’s just never going to happen.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

If we spend our lives grasping for that which we can never take hold of, then what will we have really obtained?

Rhon Johnson ( 1966 –     )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id#: P548389)

Difficult People

You know that in this world there are some very difficult people. I’m not talking about someone who has a bad day every once in a while. I’m talking about those that have a daily practice of spreading strife and chaos everywhere they go. Then you have those on our jobs or who refuse to carry their load and leave it up to others to do. Then you have the smile in your face stab you in the back group. The list goes on, but what I want to say today is this, we must not allow those that behave in such ways to cause us to become so agitated that we lose our own way. We must continue to conduct ourselves appropriately because others, especially those in authority over us are holding us to a higher standard. No, it’s not fair for them to appear to be getting away with their inappropriate behavior.  They aren’t, it will eventually catch up to them. Who we have chosen to be has nothing to do with them. We are to be the people we know we are  to be.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

A light in a dark place is to help those around us  find their way.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )





Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#404834


It Takes Time

We live in a microwave society. Everyone wants to have success right now. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t work that way. Success is really kind of boring at times, because we have to do the same things over and over. Eventually, over time, we get good at what we are doing, and it starts to produce. If we can learn to relax and understand that waiting is all part of being successful, then the waiting won’t be as bad as we think.


Rhon Johnson


 Focusing on our steps for today, helps to clear our path for tomorrow.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –    )  


Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P681607


Can we endure it. Most of us have no desire to do so. Pain has gotten a bad rap for a long time. So lets look at the word from a different angle. Many of us do not understand how pain helps us. Pain simply lets us know that something is not right. The pain we feel is really important to us. But sometimes, we get so focused on the pain that we miss the whole reason why the pain is present. Pain is a messenger that signifies that change is required.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

“Pain plays a key role on the journey to greatness.”

Rhon Johnson (1966 –    )


Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson certificate id: P681279

The Down Time

There are those times when we are feeling down. It could be to poor nutrition, lack of exercise, or just tough things happening in life. Regardless of how we feel, we should always keep pressing forward. Movement is the only real answer to over come negative emotions. Remember that those down times will past if we keep ourselves moving towards an expected end. 

Rhon Johnson


The thing that makes the peak so great is the valley below.

Rhon Johnson  (1966 –       )




Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson Certificate id: P677999