April 2024
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Enthusiasm Revisted

A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm say-Charles M. Schwab.  Norman Vincent Peale said it this way, “Enthusiasm makes ordinary people extraordinary.”  Rhon Johnson says that, “Enthusiasm is the high octane fuel needed  for you to reach the destination of your dreams.” If we are ever going to amount to anything in our lifetime, we have got to find a way to keep the wind of enthusiasm blowing in the sails of our lives. What is it then that allows us to have a good day or a bad day. Is it determined by whether or not the sun shines and or how we feel when we roll out of bed in the morning. Let me tell you something my friends. The sun shinning or not, nor your feelings, has more power to impact your life fulfilling its dreams more than knowing that the day is coming when your dream is no longer going to be a dream, but a reality. If we hang in there with a good attitude until we taste that first victory, we will then have a life memory drenched in enthusiasm that will help push us through when we hit a tough spot somewhere down the line.” Enthusiasm, it’s your choice! It’s your life! Stir your self up and get excited about your future!!!!

Rhon Johnson


“Enthusiasm is the high octane fuel needed  for you to reach the destination of your dreams.”

Rhon Johnson (1966 –     )




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