November 2024
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You Are Never Seperated

The biggest lie that is circling around in the heads of a lot of people today is that nobody really cares. If we are not careful we will allow the media and the fact that things for a lot of us are tough right now cause us to be separated from everyone else. This is not only unhealthy but unnatural. We are designed to be with others. The only way to combat this is for us to do our part and reach out to someone today. Someone close to you, as well as some whom you have not engaged before.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Genesis 2:18a

And the Lord God said, it is not good that man should be alone;

Pay Yourself First

Most of us work hard all year round to meet our obligations. But remember, the most important person in this equation is you. We need to make sure that we do something for ourselves first before we send off all of the fruits of our labor.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

You are the force behind your production so make sure you keep your machine well oiled.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )





Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#:p394407

You Are Entitled

Everyone has their cut. But just a few of us are getting our share and a whole lot of everybody else’s. It is kind of simple like that. If we don’t stand up and posses what is rightly our, then some one else will. I heard once that there is enough wealth in the world for everyone to have twenty million dollars. What? I don’t have my twenty million, do you? If not, then somebody else does. What about your happiness or relationships. Are you pursuing your part in all that. If we live long enough, we all kind of reach a place where we start to take a look around and inventory our lives. Look around my friends and tell me what you see.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

Just because we are entitled to it does not mean we will actually posses it. We must take what it rightfully ours.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )

My Real Dad

Where you one of the truly blessed ones that had your dad engaged in your life while you where growing up? By engaged, I mean that not only was he there but he was involved in every aspect of your life. Did he talk to you while you were still in your mothers wombs? Was he there the route you on as you fought to enter into this world on the day of your birth? Did you get to see the proud look in his eyes as he gazed down upon you after they swadled you in a blanket and handed you to him just moments after your birth. Were you allowed to grow without a foreboding of fear constantly hovering over you. If  you can answer yes to these questions, then good for you. But for many of us we have no idea what  it feels like to experience this. To tell you the truth, I really had not given much thought about it until I looked into my sons eyes one day while we were discussing sports. I saw something in his eyes that I couldn’t explain. It was a look of confidence about his life.  There is nothing on his life that is pulling him away from what he needs to be doing at this time in his life. Basically, no drama, he was able to grow physically, mentally and spiritually without fear of any thing because he knew his dad had it covered. What a parallel, A fatherless dad fathering his son. All the things that I needed and desired, I am giving to my son. But I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried , understand how he was feeling, having his dad completely engaged in his life. I will never have that, I said to myself and began to make attempts to push it out of my mind. But every time I engage my son and I see that look in his eye, I am reminded of how I feel as oppossed to what I see happening to him, and  again I try to put myself in his shoes and feel what he is feeling for just a second. I engaged my kids becuse I don’t want them to feel what I feel. Nevertheless, this has not been my end, I am finding out that I do have a father and that he has engaged me. He was there for every major event in my life, good or bad. I just have to learn to trust and believe Him just the my son trust and believes me.  He is not visable to me,  nor have I heard his audible voice. But now as I look back  I can see where His presenence was engaging in every area of my life. In this world my biological father failed to paint me a picture of manhood. He did not engage me, and take me throug the process of initiating me as a man. Many of my brothers here in America and around the world take the apperance of men, but have not crossed over because they have not been established by another man. I want each of you to know that if this applies to you, don’t through in the towel. We have a father that is ready to establish us. But becuse we have been trained by the absence of an earthly father, we are clueless as to how we are to trust and except this establishing. He appears to be absent just like our biological fathers because we can’t see him or physically touch him. He does not call out to us the way a natural father would do so, but He is there, and we must train our eyes to see him, listen intenetly to hear Him, work hard to obey Him, and more that anything, we must learn to trust Him.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

I am who He says I am.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )


April Fools

Some April Fools jokes are just down right dirty. I have seen some people really get their hopes up to only be harshly let down by the practical joke.  But sometimes we prank our selves by not paying attention to warning signs in our lives. I know I’m guilty of this. It is a little difficult to see it for yourself when we are standing right in the middle of it. But still the signs are there and we tend to ignore them until something bad happens. We tell ourselves that it will be okay hoping that it will just get better all by itself. What a dirty trick to play on yourself. Look it in the the eye and address it, it will be just fine.

Rhon Johnson

Power Statement:

Who’s pink elephant is this that keeps following me around?

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )




Copyright by Rhon JohnsonDigiprove certificate id: P392584

The Ride

Everybody has been somewhere and everybody is going somewhere. Everything that lies between where we have been and where we are going to end up is what I call “The Ride.” Are we enjoying the ride, or are we so disturbed over some part of our past, or maybe to wound up about our future? We must learn to enjoy the ride. I know that some of us have had some horrible things happen to us, but none of those things define us as a person. Every day that we allow to past by without enjoying it tarnishes our past and causes us to be more stressed about our future. The ride, bringing us from something while taking us to something. The problem with the ride for many is this. We can’t believe that we are going to end up where we want, because that place looks nothing like where we came from. Hey, it makes know sense to set out on this journey and when the ride is over we step out and find that we are in the exact same place we started, or if not, somewhere very close to it. It is really a good idea for us to figure out how to enjoy the ride. To enjoy the ride makes everything a building block, regardless of what it is. To enjoy the ride is to get our heads out of the clouds negativity and start seeing that everything is a building block, an instrument that can be used to steer us in the direction that we we want our lives to go. But to be down about who we are, where we came from, and where we are right now, is like dying from malnutrition with the food in our mouths and refusing to swallow it. We decide what kind of ride we have no matter what. It is our decision to enjoy the ride. 

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

If we know where we’ve been, then we should have some idea as to where we want to go.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –        )


Scripture Reference:

Deuteronomy 30:19

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live:

I Don’t know

Do you ever find yourself saying I don’t know a lot. There is a tendency to say this when we are faced with questions or situations that seem to beyond our level of knowledge. If we are not careful, this can end up being our way of handling everything that comes to us that we don’t immediately have solutions to. We can find the solution to just about every issue that arises. We live in a time were information is literally at our finger tips. We also have prayer. God has the aerial view to everything going on in life and if we can tap into His all knowing, seeing all ability, then we can begin to navigate ourselves toward the best possible solution.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement: 

When you really don’t know, pray and find out.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      ) 


Do you know where you are headed in life? Very tough to really get where you want to go when there is something big you want to with your life. You have to listen to your heart to begin to get a clue as to where you would like to end up in life. Most of us fail because we are poor navigators. We make attempts to plan it out on the fly and end up in place that look nothing like where we want to be. Proper navigation also requires us to exercise patience and the ability to re-navigate when adverse circumstances arise.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement

I am just going to head out and hope that I get where I want to go.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )


Who’s Watching

Somebody is always watching. You can take this one to the bank. The question is why. People are always watching because they either admire you and want to be like you and have a relationship, or else they are watching because they are jealous and want to trip you up.  There is not much worse than to have ourselves tripped up by a hater. You know, someone that can’t stand that your life is making a difference. All the more reason why we should keep up to the good effort to keep our lives clean. I know that it is work but it is worth the effort.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

Straight and narrow or crooked and cracked, we can’t walk  them both, we must choose.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )

The Naysayers

No you can’t! It will never happen! When is it going to happen? It is comments like these that others will utter to us and behind our backs when we are pursuing what appears to be the impossible. When a lot of time has passed  between the moment a dream has been shared  and people start in with the kind of statements that  I opened up with, it can set the tone for a rough ride. Most people will not show excitement for our enthusiasm about our future plans. It is simple when you really look at it. What ever the naysayer has to say about our future, the exact opposite is true unless we start to believe what they have to say about us.

Rhon Johnson


Power Comment:

Your voice is the most important voice to ever enter your ears. So, what do you say about you? 

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )