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We Are The Forecasters of Our Tomorrow

That’s right friends. This is how we function. If we can think it, we can do it whether good or bad. We are the most powerful creatures in the universe. We can have the future we want. It doesn’t matter where we came from or what we have been through. We are the forecasters of our own lives. If we think negative thoughts and make negative comments, then that is the kind of life we will lead. But, if we think positive thoughts and follow up with positive words, it will create positive actions and behaviors, thus leading us to the kind of life we desire to lead.


You can predict your own future. Just listen to what comes out of your mouth.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )



Copyright & Digiprove Certificate  by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1149041



Bound By Nothing

The Bound By Nothing 180 Series


I wrote a book called “Bound By Nothing” -How I Became The Role Model I Never Had-. It is the story of my life as I was growing up. I didn’t write it because I wanted everyone to know how tough my life was. I truly believe many others had a tougher time. You see, it doesn’t matter how tough or what the situation is because it all comes down to what’s going on in our heads. I was restrained in my thinking and so was everyone in my environment. It was not my situation or my environment that had me bound up. It was the thought that I would not be able to do or have better. Well, I figured some things out and began to break free. It is a long process with still today, a lot of work to do. But as I go about my daily business, I see so many that are not free. That is why I wrote the book,  and why I’m launching this new segment of J & J Publishing called “The Bound By Nothing 180 Series.” Once a week, I’m going to share what I have learned so far on this awesome journey. I will also be sharing stories along the way that relate to the subjects at hand through a weekly post and a 180-second video clip. The post will be released every Monday and followed up with the video clip the following Tuesday mornings. I am doing this because a want us all to be “Bound By Nothing”, and live to see our hopes and dreams come to past.



If I become what I desire to be, it will happen twice. First in my thinking, and if I succeed there, then I will soon see it with my eyes

(Rhon Johnson 1966 –        )



Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id#: P1145906 


The New Year

Most of us make new year resolutions. I believe setting goals is something we have to do if we are going to get where we want to go in life. The problem with the new year resolution is this. Many of us think  just because it is a new year it increases our chances to achieve our goals. That’s just not true. It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is. When we make a resolution, the time is coming when we are going to be challenged and face opposition that directly affects our progress. Be ready for the excitement of the new year and new resolutions to wear of, because it will, and when it does, that’s when the real work will begin. Hang tough my friends. You can do it!!

Rhon Johnson




When the going gets tough is when you find out who you really are!

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )

Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1131496

Love In Motion

How do you know if someone really loves you? Is it when you hear them say it? I don’t think so. Let me give you a powerful example and let’s see if you agree. I read a scripture once that said that God so loved the world that he did something. I also remember reading him say, “If you love Me you would obey Me.” Love requires action to be true!


The process of expressing love is this. I think a thought, I speak some words, and then I seal the deal with something I do.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –        )


Because I love all of you, I take the time to turn my thoughts into these words to share them with you.

Merry Christmas 




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1123059

Don’t Let the Opportunity Pass

Don’t let the opportunity pass to say something nice to someone. How often are moved inside to say something to someone else that we know will make them feel good or feel better, and we wait until the moment has passed? It is so simple, ” hey, I missed you the other day.” Or, “hey, you really did a good job on that.” It doesn’t take much, so be mindful of this today and as you go about your week.

A good word given at the right time can be the difference in the life of another!

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )

Copyright & Digiprove  Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1118177 

Our Joy Is Connected

I have learned to really enjoy people. I have come to realize that my life is not about me. You may have heard me mention before that everything we see has been created to serve something other than itself, including you and me. Think about it for a minute. How much benefit does the sun get for shining? Does the chair you sit in or the car you drive get anything out of the deal? Now we as people are slightly different in that we can choose to only serve ourselves. That’s not why we are here. One thing I do in my efforts to serve others is to help people get through the day. I make an effort to bring a smile upon the faces of everyone I encounter every day. It makes no difference what I’m going through because when this is done, there is power released to help me in my own life. The same is true for you!

Rhon Johnson



My success and joy cannot be fully complete without the success and joy of others!

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1089258


Go For It (Part II)

We only have one life to live my friends, and I know we all have some uncommon things we want to accomplish. Of course, timing is important, but there is always going to be something to give us a reason not to go for it. Let’s not allow ourselves to settle. Let us be the ones who look back and feel good about our lives because we went for it. Whatever that thing is we want to do that seems too big, we have got to figure out where to start and go for it.  Live life on purpose, my friends. Its the only way to truly live.

Rhon Johnson


Our lives are like money, meaning to be spent on something. Why not then spend it on something awesome!

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )


Copyright Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1083751

From Good To Great

From good to great is a tough process. We are all basically good people that do good things. But our society needs greatness! Someone who will encourage others to rise up and release the greatness within themselves. We have to look in the mirror and confront our greatest challenge if we are to live a great life and do great things. The things that move us the most is the key to unlocking the greatness within.


Rhon Johnson

Many of us are sad, express feeling empty inside, and fight bouts of depression because we are not pursuing what we were created for. Greatness!!


Rhon Johnson (1966 –   ) 




Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1080912


“It’s all about you.” Has anyone ever said that about you, but in a negative way? The truth is that it is about you. You are the best product you have for our world today.  So when you think about you today, think your best thoughts. When you talk about you today, speak your best words. When you do this, it allows you to live your best life for you and others.


Rhon Johnson




You are the best gift you can give to yourself and to someone else.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –           )



Copyright & Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id: P1077846

Stick With It

“Stick with it!” My coaches growing up all loved to say. The only problem was I didn’t know how to stick with it. I thought sticking with it meant I just needed to do what we were currently working on a little harder. But here is how you really stick with it, whatever “It” is for you. Whatever it is we are doing takes time, effort, planning, and lots of energy. That means in order to stick with it the right way we must start at the top. Our health mentally, physically and spiritually is the key. So, are we taking care of our bodies with regular exercise? Are we putting good fuel into our bodies? Are we feeding our minds appropriate words and pictures? Are we thinking and saying positive things about ourselves. And, are we taking a few minutes daily to have quiet time so our spirits can receive proper information. Just a few things to think about.

Rhon Johnson




I will finish the race strongly because I prepared every part of me to do so ahead of time.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )



Copyright &Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson

Certificate id#: P1075089