Archive for February 5, 2012
Get Up & Get It Done
I know that there are many of us that have dreams that we want to see manifest in our lives. But the problem is the time that we spend doing other things, such as going to work so that the bills can get paid. It can become awfully frustrating to know that you could be doing something better with life rather than punching someone else’s clock. Then we have to rest ourselves from all the work we have done to make other people and other companies prosperous. Not to mention what we do to take care of our families outside bringing home a pay check. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with working to provide for your family, but if you have a dream or a vision, you will have to take some radical steps to see it come to past. Here is one thought to get you moving in the right direction. Some of us that are actively pursusing our dreams are giving up about eight hours of sleep a week to dedicate that time to working on what belongs to them. Continuing to do the same old thing with hopes of a better life is simply pure grade insanity.
Rhon Johnson
Scripture Reference:
Pobverbs 6:10-11
Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall your poverty come as a robber, and your want as an armed man.