Archive for November 21, 2012
Loving People Right Where They Are
There was a time in my life when I was so rigid when it came to people. If they used file language or had a drink or two, a was so judgmental. I was about to become so heavenly minded that I was was no earthly good. I was extremely foolish and ignorant about what it means to truly love someone. I desperately wanted to help people live better lives but I was clueless about how to do so with those that were not as heavenly minded as I appeared to be. The bottom line is this, we just need to be around people and love them because they are people. Hopefully our life will help some of them along the way. Condemning people will never work, but loving them will work every time. Love is one the most powerful forces known because it takes no account of ones behavior, it is only concerned about the the person.
Rhon Johnson
If we isolate those that we perceive to be walking a lower life, then how can we ever help them find their way.
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )