No matter how hard we try to avoid them, they always seem to somehow divert our attention away from what we need to be paying attention to. Distractions are constantly being launched at our minds as weapons of mass incompleteness. If we don’t figure out a way to deal with these little demons appropriately, then the end result of most of what we are trying to do will be tagged and stamped INCOMPLETE!!!!! We all have a race to run, and we all want to cross the finish line. I know that there are some things that will happen and we must stop and pay them some attention. I’m not referring to those things. I’m talking about those things that are not going to be profitable after we have given them the time of day. Stop and think for a minute, you know the kind of things I’m talking about. These little demons will come at us from those that live in the same house, and even those that share the same bed. Think about Adam for a minute when he stood there and watched Eve talk things out with the devil, when he knew that it was all wrong. But because he wanted to please her, he allowed that to brake his focus concerning what he was supposed to be doing. So, what I’m I saying here? I’m saying that if we are going to run and finish our course, there are going to be some days when we just have to be unpopular to get the job done. Our focus is our weapon that allows us to fulfill our dreams.
Rhon Johnson
Power Statement:
No focus, no finish, its just that simple.
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )