People Revisited
I have written in my blog about people in general before. But I can never say enough about how important people are, and that the only way we as people are going to know how important we are is through other people. We are the most valued of all things in this universe. We are also the most damaged. All of us have wounds that are effecting everything we do. Many of us have not even taking time to inventory the damage that has been done to us by others and even ourselves. This whole thing is progressive. I came to find out that I grew up in an environment that did very little to reflect back to me who I am truly meant to be. I had to tell myself as I went through many of those things to just lock it a way and keep right on pushing. Well as I kept pushing along, the inventory of scars and wound kept mounting up as well. I kept telling myself that I was okay and took pride in the fact that I was not allowing these things to keep me down on the inside. How young and ignorant I was of how these kind of things work. I had no idea that the scars and wounds were not healing and that one day they were going to demand that I pay them some attention, the kind of attention that would allow them the time to heal. When I began to write my book about my up bringing, it forced me to take a look at all the thing that I had placed in the attic of my mind. I found myself beginning to feel what I should have been feeling when a was a child. It was weird, because I’m a strong man and nothing gets me down, or at least that’s what I had led myself to believe. I came to see that I was devastated on the inside and had been so all along . Now I was beginning to experience pain, anger, shock, depression, and total dis-belief that I was having these emotions. The bottom line was that these issue wanted me to finally deal with them. I had to because it was also effecting all of my relationships in a negative way. Knowing that my heart is to truly help people, I knew that in order for me to really do this on the level that is in my heart, that I was going to have to inventory myself and get the healing I needed so that my life can powerfully help the lives of other people. So there it is, people effect other people one way or the other. How we see ourselves determines how we will respond to others. I have shared this story with you because you represent what we all care about the most, PEOPLE!! I love people, and I want to give them the best possible me!!! So, how is your life effecting others?
Rhon Johnson
Power Statement:
Look around, everything we see and everything we do, is connected to people
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )