I Just Don’t Have Time
I hear people say this on a regular basis. A mentor of mine once told me that every minute of my day should have an assignment. That’s powerful, and I have yet to master it. I hope that one day soon I will. I know that if I can ever get to that point, I wont have to utter those depressing words. It’s no big secret, we don’t have the time because we haven’t made it by using what time we have properly. For every second that passes is a second we will never get back. From now on, maybe Ill start saying that I do have time. We make time for those things we want to do. We plan, work harder and longer just to get ready to have the time to do what we really want to do.
Rhon Johnson
Power Statement:
We have the time, alll we need to do is oln for it.
Rhon Johnson ( 1966 – )