It’s Showtime Baby
Have you ever been in a show? A lot of people sit around waiting for something great to happen to them. How often does that happen? Mostly never. The truth to the matter is this, something is happening, and it is beyond what we call great. We are living a life. I can’t think of any greater thing than to have life because of what it represents. Plain and simple, it is pure opportunity to put own your own show. You are the star in this show so I encourage us all to recognize this and get busy putting on a show that will be unforgettable. No excuses about where we came from and what we’ve had to go through, it is showtime baby, and like they say, “The Show Must Go On.”
Rhon Johnson
Power Statement:
No one puts on a show for themselves, the gift of life is show for an audience outside looking in.
Rhon Johnson (1966 – )
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