April 2024
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The Purpose Of Life

If I were to give you the definition of life based on the the dictionary, here is what we would find: Life – the exeistence of an individual human being or animal. Yep, there it is, and it doesn’t get any simlpier than that. But today we want to swim on the deep end. We have what is called ”’the purpose of life” and then we have “your purpose in life” . Yes, I know they sound the same, but they are as differnt as night and day. Let me explain, “you purpose in life” is what you believe you have been put here on this earth to do. This is what you grow up to do in the community to include you what you do to make a living. ” The purpose of life” is altogether differnt. It is how you use what you do in life to grow yourself and share it with others. So we have what we do, (our purpose in life) and we have how we use what we do in life to grow ourselves and share with others, ( the purpose of life). Now here is the question. Are we using what we do everyday as a tool and opportunity to grow and share that growth with others?

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

“The purose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and share.”

Rabbi Harold Kushner





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