Look Past The Pain
“Look past the pain”, is the thought that came to me one day. I did not have to take time to figure it out. I knew what it meant the moment I heard it in my spirit. I remember those days when I was an athlete, and there was and still is this popular saying. “No pain, no gain.” Many of us don’t gain in life because we abort because of the pain. As I said in an earlier article, there are two kinds of pain. The kind that we inflict upon ourselves and the kind that is inflicted upon us by others. Either way its pain and it doesn’t feel good. But pain can be our friend if we can embrace it long enough for it to produce something. You never know, and entire nation might benefit from the results. I know it’s tough to look past it when we are right in the middle of it. But pain creates focus and generates power, power to change. To change us, to change our families, to change our communities, and to change our world.
Rhon Johnson
Power Statement:
If all we do is feel the pain, we will never see the opportunity for gain.
Rhon Johnson
(1966 – )
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