May 2013
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Archive for May 2013

Heated Moments

I know all of us have had our share of heated moments with others. Usually there are things said that we regret later. So lets take a look at how we can enter into a heated moment and exit it without getting burned. The first thing we must do is to look the other person in the eye, and determine that no matter their facial expression or their tone of voice, we are going to remain calm.  But beware of the pop shot though. This is when someone makes a comment to point out a charter flaw within us. This is when we usually lose it. I know that no one likes to be attacked verbally, but if we are going to be in relationships with others, then we have realize that these things are going to happen sometimes. So, keep a cool head and always respond softly.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Proverbs 15:1-2

A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of  fools pour out folly.





Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson  – id#P405202

What’s Your Point

Do you know how to get your point across to others? Many times, as we communicate we fail to do so in such a way that those that we are communicating with understand. They just don’t get it. Different  people require different types of communication styles. Some people require just a simple calm tone of voice, and others require a fimer style. The point is this, when we are engaging others we may not be getting our points accross because the way they need to be communicated with takes us out of our comfort zone. We continue to take the same approach only to realize that the same things continue to happen. We become frustrated at the other person because we feel like thay are just being difficult when in reality the problem is us because we are communicating to them in a way that would be accetable to us when some one is trying to make a point with us. Others are not like we are, therefore, we have to approach them with what works good for them and not always in a way that we would like if we were the ones being communicated with. Now that’s a good point!

Rhon Johnson


 Power Statement:

We grow up in different environments with differnt people while having differnt experiences which creates diffrents points of view.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )





Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#-P404156

It’s Showtime Baby

Have you ever been in a show? A lot of people sit around waiting for something great to happen to them. How often does that happen? Mostly never. The truth to the matter is this, something is happening, and it is beyond what we call great. We are living a life. I can’t think of any greater thing than to have life because of what it represents. Plain and simple, it is pure opportunity to put own your own show. You are the star in this show so I encourage us all to recognize this and get busy putting on a show that will be unforgettable. No excuses about where we came from and what we’ve had to go through, it is showtime baby, and like they say, “The Show Must Go On.”

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

No one puts on a show for themselves, the gift of life is show for an audience outside looking in.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )





Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#P404159

Standing In The Door

I was reading in my Bible the other day and came across something that I thought was really interesting. I believe that a lot of people don’t see God as a right here right now God. They believe that he is a far off. This is not true, He is always near. In the book of Exodus it says that Moses pitched his tent far off from the rest of the group, and that every morning he would go into the tabernacle, and as he would enter tabernacle that a pillar of cloud would come and stand at the door and God would talk to him face to face as a man speaks with his friend. Now that is a close encounter of the God kind. But it seems to me that we are always looking up. The tabernacle represents our place prayer, it could our bedroom or a guest room. No matter, when we make the decision to have prayer, God is there and is ready to speak with us face to face. So that morning during my prayer time, I did not look up, but instead I turned towards the door of my prayer room with my eyes wide open and talked with God face to face.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Exodus 33:9-11

And it came to pass, when Moses entered the tabernacle, that the pillar of cloud decended and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses. All the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the tabernacle door, and all the people rose and worshiped, each man in his tent door. So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. 





 Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#:P401442

Celebrating Our Mothers

Mothers day is a day when we are to celebrate our moms. Someone once asked me,”but what if your mom has not been good to you, or refuses to respect you as an adult? At the time it was a very good question. He went on to tell me that things are not good good between he and his mom and that he has tried very hard to be there for her, but it always turns sour because of her behavior. He went on to say that every time he tried to talk to some one about it they would say, “man, that is your mom, you only have one, not to mention that she brought you into this world.” I could tell that he was frustrated and tired of hearing that, as if to say that he should allow her to treat him any way she wanted because she is his mother. I did my best to comfort him by telling him that those people are speak out  the good relationships they have with their mom, and that very fact kind of disqualifies them to give him advice concerning the matter. I told him to just be the kind of person he knows he should be. I man with character and integrity. If we work on those aspects of our lives, we will celebrating our moms more than any card, dinner, or roses could ever do. You see, The Bible tells us to honor our mother and father right in the middle of Ten Commandments which are there as guidelines to live our lives. To live our lives and become  productive citizen is the best way to honor our parents. To honor means to live a honest and fair life. A life of integrity. This doesn’t mean that we have to tolerate anyone inapropriate behavior.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Exodus 20:12

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is Giving you.





Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#:P402563

Make It Happen

Whatever it is that we want to have, it is going to be up to us to make it happen. It’s not up to our parents, and it has nothing to do with how they raised us or treated us. If our parents did not raise us well, then for some of us it may take more effort and study to get there. But rest assure that our sucess is up to us and not our parents or God. God has already done his part. He has given us what we need to achieve our goals. We just need to fine tune ourselves and we will move toward to the realization of those things we desire. God has made it clear the if we keep his law then what we do will be very fruitful.

Rhon Johnson


Scripture Reference:

Duetronomy 29:9

Therefore keep the words of the covenant and  do them, that you may prosper in all that you do.         





Copyright and Digiprove ceridied by Rhon Johnson – id#:P401850                   


Don’t Stop Believing

The battle is won and lost in our minds. Whether its victory or defeat that shows up in our lives, it is most likely the result of victory or defeat that has already occurred in our minds. We are all constantly thinking about something, good and bad. But here is the interesting thing that I have come to understand about thoughts. Bad thoughts just seem to come no matter what. We don’t have to use any mind torque to get bad and negative thought patterns to going.  They are intrusive and destructive. Now, good thoughts, are thoughts that we have to purposely think on. We have to train our minds for these kind of experiences. It’s like stepping on the gas and never letting up. The very moment we let up and don’t purposely occupy our minds with positive thought, negative ones will automatically jump in with out our permission. So we should constantly be thinking and believing for the best.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

Our lives will follow the thoughts that reign in our minds.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )





Copyright and  Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#P399782

Get It Right

We all want to get it right. But sometimes, it doesn’t happen. We make all the right moves based on what we believe to be true and still sometimes it all ends up wrong. We put so much pressure on ourselves to get everything right without understanding that the pressure that we put on ourselves to do so is the one major ingredient that is causing the ship to take on water. There have been many ventures that I have engaged in that all turned sour because of the added pressure. To get it right sometimes means getting it wrong first in order to see that we need to change our approach.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

We get it right, because we understand the process.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )





Copyright and Digiprove certified by Rhon Johnson – id#P399439