January 2014
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Archive for January 2014

Who Are Your Friends

Who are our friends? That is an easy one my friends. Our friends are those who want to see us go to the next level. They are the ones who will celebrate our success along with us. This is a sure fire way to find out what kind of friend we have. When we experience success in our lives people will have one of two reactions, and we will be able to see it on their faces. They will either be genuinely  happy for us or they will have a bitter taste in their mouth because something like that has not happened for them. Look for the warning signs. Life is too short and achieving our goals are difficult enough without having a phony tagging along

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement

True friends see the importance of their part in us achieving our goals  

Rhon Johnson (1966 –      )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson  (Certificate id: P480461)

Every Second Of Every Hour

Have you ever herad someone say ‘every second of every hour of everyday.’ If you have then you must know that they are speaking about the gift of time. Like the sands that pour out an hour glass so do the seconds of everyday flow out of our lives. What are we doing with our seconds?

Rhon Johnson


Power Question:

Seconds are like dollars . They both have value and they both can be spent. What are you buying with your seconds? 

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id: P480246)

Stuck In The Box

Are you stuck in your box? Most of us are. Most of the time all we focus on is what we are going through and how we feel about  what others are doing and saying to us. How about others? Do we ever stop to think about how they are feeling? Espeacially those that we have relationships with. I’m not just talking about family members, but anybody we have contact with on somewhat of a regular basis. I have come to find that most of the behavior we complian about from those in our circle is a result of the behavior that we have given to them. We rarely see that when we are confronted firmly about our behavior. We have a tendency to get defensive and feel as though the other is over reacting and fail to take a look a what we did to them that has caused the confrontation.  So, the next time we are pulled to the side by some one in our circle to discuss our behavior, lets try to think about what we may have done that brought on the discussion.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement

Living inside a box keeps us from seeing any other perspective in life.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Coppyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id: P480236)

Honor Our Purest Motives

When I read this statement, I was immediately stopped in my tracks. I am always looking for and intrigued with information that can help me with me. It is no secret that we all have many motives hidden away within ourselves. Some are pure and others are the exact opposite. We have to stop for a moment and ask ourselves why we pursue what we are pusuing. If we would do this more often many of us will find answers to questions that have to do with things that are not right in our lives. We are not ignorant of our own motives. When we honor our pure motives, we have peace. Wew know that we have done it for the right reason and we do not have to worry about it come back on us or someone close to us.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

I man is always aware of his motives. Pure or not, those in his cirlce will eventaully be made aware as well.  

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (certificate id: P478221)

The Road Less Traveled

Whe we think about a road that has had very little traffic on it. We are talking about a path that leads to a place were very few people have gone. I’m not talking about a place in the natural, but a place we go with people when we feel that they have been mistreated us. When we are mistreated, do we travel on the road that is les traveled or do we get on a croweded expressway and heaed to same place most everyone else is going? Beside, when we travel the road less taveled we maitain control over our own lives. When people mistreat us, that is something that has happened to us. We get ourselves in trouble when we allow what happens to us to effect what is happening in us.

Rhon Johnson


Power Quote:

A sucessful man/woman is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown  at him.

David Brinkley




 Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id: P478222)

Think On Purpose

My friends we must learn to think purposefully. Everyday we need to force our minds to think the way we want our lives to go. It is a known fact that our lives will alway follow our thoughts. If all we  do is think negative thoughts, then all we’re going to do is attract negative people, have negative relationships, and have one negative experience after another. Our thoughts determine our DESTINY!!! So let me mak this point perfectly clear.Our thoughts are our responsibilty. No one can force us to think on anything. Not God, the devil, nor our parents can force us to think what we don’t want to think. Something can be suggested to us to think about but we don’t have to ithink on it if we dont want to. Don’t leave your thoughts up to someone else.!!! 

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement;

Whoever controls your thoughts is the one in control of your life.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id: P478217)

The Giver

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those that take, those that give only to recieve something in return, and those that give and want nothing in return. Which catagory do we fit it in. Those that take are only envolve with us because they are focus on what they can get from us only. They are not interested in us as a person. Those that give expecting to recieve something in return will only be secure with the relationship as long as they can see that they are going to get something in return for their efforts in the relationship. But as soon as they put something in and they dont immediately get something in return. The relationship becomes stressful because we then have to figure out why they are acting differently. Rarely will these people tell us what the problem is, but there will be a definate change in their behavior. The giver on the other hand does not need to get anything in return. The giver is simply in the reationship because they enjoy us.They don’t need to see where they are going to get something in return because they are fufilled by seeing us enjoy the benefits of what they bring to the relationship. They also understand that in taking this approach towards others that others will freely give to them.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

We are all gifted and a gift to someone else. True gifts are freely given!

Rhon Johnson

(1966 –       )




Copyright and Digiprove Certified by Rhon Johnson (Certificate id: P478357)