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Archive for January 27, 2014

Stuck In The Box

Are you stuck in your box? Most of us are. Most of the time all we focus on is what we are going through and how we feel about  what others are doing and saying to us. How about others? Do we ever stop to think about how they are feeling? Espeacially those that we have relationships with. I’m not just talking about family members, but anybody we have contact with on somewhat of a regular basis. I have come to find that most of the behavior we complian about from those in our circle is a result of the behavior that we have given to them. We rarely see that when we are confronted firmly about our behavior. We have a tendency to get defensive and feel as though the other is over reacting and fail to take a look a what we did to them that has caused the confrontation.  So, the next time we are pulled to the side by some one in our circle to discuss our behavior, lets try to think about what we may have done that brought on the discussion.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement

Living inside a box keeps us from seeing any other perspective in life.

Rhon Johnson (1966 –       )




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