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Archive for January 20, 2014

The Giver

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those that take, those that give only to recieve something in return, and those that give and want nothing in return. Which catagory do we fit it in. Those that take are only envolve with us because they are focus on what they can get from us only. They are not interested in us as a person. Those that give expecting to recieve something in return will only be secure with the relationship as long as they can see that they are going to get something in return for their efforts in the relationship. But as soon as they put something in and they dont immediately get something in return. The relationship becomes stressful because we then have to figure out why they are acting differently. Rarely will these people tell us what the problem is, but there will be a definate change in their behavior. The giver on the other hand does not need to get anything in return. The giver is simply in the reationship because they enjoy us.They don’t need to see where they are going to get something in return because they are fufilled by seeing us enjoy the benefits of what they bring to the relationship. They also understand that in taking this approach towards others that others will freely give to them.

Rhon Johnson


Power Statement:

We are all gifted and a gift to someone else. True gifts are freely given!

Rhon Johnson

(1966 –       )




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